Invited speaker: Latest research updates on thermal and cold spraying
Heli Koivuluoto
Poster: Coating Technologies Research Group
Invited speaker: Flame sprayed functional coatings

Oral presentation: Anti-icing behaviour of modified polyurethane-based nanocomposite coatings
Bartlomiej Przybyszewski
Oral presentation: Durability of polyurethane-based coating composites modified by organosilicones
Rafal Kozera
Oral presentation:High Efficiency thermoelectric device for UAV Icing Prevention: Experimental validation and key Performance insights
Francisco Carreño

Invited speaker: Multifunctional thermally sprayed coatings for outdoor applications
Heli Koivuluoto

Inivited speaker:Icing testing and evaluation of icephobicity
Heli Koivuluoto

Invited speaker: Anti-icing coatings by thermal spraying
H. Koivuluoto

Oral contribution: Centrifugal ice adhesion testing combined with heating as de-icing method
N.Kandelin , et al.

Laura Montes-Montañez, et al.
Oral contributions:
- Development of superhydrophobic transparent surfaces by laser and fluorinated grafting treatments with anti-icing applications by Laura Montes
- Durability of antiicing and hydrophobic properties of polyurethane based coating composites by Rafal Kozera
- Influence of modification of polyurethane coatings with organosilicon compounds and barium titanate on their hydro- and icephobic properties by Ana Labeda
- Anticing behavior of superhydrophobic laser micromachined wind turbine blade surfaces by Luis Alberto Angurel
- Femtosecond laser micromachined ITO circuits: effect of LIPSS on their electrical properties by Alejandro Frechilla
- SMART Microacoustic Setup for Automated Ice Sensing and Deicing by Kiana Khodakarami
- A Holistic Solution to Icing by Acoustic Waves: Laboratory and Icing Wind Tunnel experiments with Surface Functionalized Piezoelectric Crystals by Agustín R. González-Elipe
- Efficiency of de-icing and active anti-icing processes at piezoelectric substrates activated by Rayleigh and Lamb acoustic wave modes by Jaime del Moral Jalón
- Advanced wetting behavior of hierarchical fluorinated stainless-steel surfaces by Laura Montes
- Hydrophobic and anti-icing behaviour of laser patterned transparent coatings by Bartlomiej Przybyszewski
Invited talks:
- Durable icephobic coatings by different thermal spray coating designs by Heli Koivuluoto
- Adapted testing methodologies to evaluate the icephobicity in the SOUNDOFICE project by Julio Mora
Poster session:
Detection of icing and monitoring of ice-accretion with standing acoustic waves generated in easily manufactured LiNbO3 piezoelectric transducer chips by Jaime del Moral

Oral contribution:Effect of laser texturization on hydrophobic and anti-icing properties of transparent polymer coatings
Dr.Bartłomiej Przybyszewski, et al.

Mr. Jaime del Moral Jalón

Invited Talk:Multifunctional Plasma-Enabled Low Dimensional Nanoarchitectures: From Synthesis to Devices
Dra. Ana Borras, et al.
Presentation+Technical paper: Could Superhydrophobic Surfaces be a Realistic Solution for Running-Wet Areas?
Dr. Julio Mora, et al.

Invited Talk:Electrical measurements of nanostructures with 4 tips in an SEM. Victor L. Flores
Organized by: Center for Nanoscience and Sustainable Technologies (CNATS) and Integrated Materials Characterization Laboratory (INMALAB) in Pablo de Olavide University
Invited Talk: Multifunctional plasma-enabled functional thin films low dimensional nanoarchitectures: from synthesis to devices.
Dra. Ana Borrás, et al.

Oral presentation: Flame sprayed slippery liquid infused porous surfaces (FS-SLIPS) – From material selection to icephobicity
Dr. Betül Actas, et al.
Oral presentation: Improvement of flame-sprayed and cold-sprayed coating characteristics with quasicrystal reinforcement.
Dr. R. Jafari, et.al.

Oral Contribution: Omniphobic hierarchical stainless-steel surfaces by vacuum and plasma techniques for protective applications
Dr. Carmen López Santos et al.
Plenary speaker: Functional Applications of Nanostructured Surfaces Developed by Plasma and Vacuum Technologies: from Wetting to Energy Harvesting
Dr. Ana Isabel Borrás et al.

The largest exhibition for rotorcraft in Europe. Presentation of the technology in a lecture by Markus Villinger.

Markus Villinger and Ira Villinger. Presentation on Villinger GmbH.

Presentation and booth: Markus villinguer and Ira Villinguer.

Poster: Acoustic monitoring of wind generator blade machining using ultrashort pulse lasers. By Rivera-Sahún, J.R. Beltrán, G.F. de la Fuente, E. Martínez, L.A. Angurel.

Presentation on Villinger GmbH and SOI Technology. Markus Villinger and Ira Villinger.
Past conferences
Synthesis and applications of multifunctional 3D nanoarchitectures.
Xabier García-Casas, Javier Castillo-Seoane, Laura Montes-Montañez, A. Nicolas Filippin, Francisco J. Aparicio, Ali Ghaffarinejad, Lidia Contreras-Bernal, Jorge Gil-Rostra, Jorge Budagoski, Víctor López-Flores, M. Carmen López-Santos, Juan R. Sánchez-Valencia, Angel Barranco, Ana Borrás
LVIII Congress of the Spanish Society of Ceramics and Glass. Madrid (Spain), 2nd March 2022.
Plenary Speaker: Functional applications of nanostructured surfaces: from wetting to energy harvesting.
Ana Borrás, et al.
16th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials (NANO2022). Seville (Spain), June 2022.
Oral presentation: Smart surfaces with tunable wettability. Carmen López Santos et al.
New and Emerging Markets for Thick Films and Coatings: Unconventional Uses of Thermal Spray (NEM-TS2022). New Orleans (LA, USA), September 2022.
Invited speaker: Thermally Sprayed Catings for Anti-Icing Applications. Heli Koivuluoto.
Acoustofluidics 2022. Glasgow (UK), November, 2022.
Flash presentation: Acoustic wave activation of the growth of dielectric and metal thin films by plasma deposition techniques. Ana Isabel Borrás et al.
Flash presentation: Compact micro-acoustic liquid atomizers. Andrea Winkler et al.
Poster Presentation: A holistic solution to icing by acoustic waves on piezoelectric plates. Jaime del Moral et al.
11th International Symposium on Plasma Nanoscience (iPlasmaNano). Seville (Spain), September 2022
Invited speaker: Latest advances in wetting tunable and anti-icing surfaces by plasma deposition and laser patterning. Carmen López Santos et al.
Poster contribution: PECVD of ZnO and CFX thin films for multifunctional anti-icing and de-icing acoustic wave devices. Jaime del Moral et al.
Poster contribution: Plasma assisted fabrication of photocatalytic TiO2 surfaces with 1D to 3D nanoarchitectures. Laura Montes et al.
International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF). San Diego, California (USA). 27th May 2022.
Invited speaker: Screening of anti-icing strategies against aeronautic secondary icing. Paloma García, J. Mora, F. Carreño, M. González, A. Agüero Bruna
12) Scientific workshop organized by CSIC network in Energy (PTI TransEner). Piezo and Triboelectric Nanogenerators by plasma and vacuum processing of multifunctional thin films and 3D nanoarchitectures. Juan Ramón Sánchez Valencia, et al. Madrid (Spain). 1st March 2023.
240th Electrochemical Society Meeting (ECS Meeting)
Invited talk: Supported Core@Multishell Nanowires and nanotubes as a Platform for Water Management and Energy Harvesting
L. Montes-Montañez, A. Ghaffarinejad, A. Borras, et al.
240th Electrochemical Society Meeting (ECS Meeting)
Poster: Hierarchical photocatalytic surfaces: From 1D to 3D photoactive TiO2 nanotubes grown by plasma-assisted deposition techniques.
L. Montes et al.
VEBLEO Webinar (virtual). Webinar on materials science, engineering and technology
Keynote lecture: Nanostructure and microstructure control via laser line scanning
G. F. de la Fuente
47th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (virtual conference). TS1 Anti- and De-Icing Surface Engineering
Oral presentation: Fluorination of aluminum surfaces as a general strategy to induce an effective anti-icing response
M.C. López-Santos et al.
47th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (virtual conference). TS1 Anti- and De-Icing Surface Engineering
Oral presentation: Icephobic coatings by thermal spraying as surface engineering technique
H. Koivuluoto et al.
2nd Virtual Congress on Materials Science & Engineering
Oral presentation: Laser Line Processing, Simulation and Experiments.
H. Santos et al. Materials Info 2021, 1, 84.
2nd Spanish Icing Platform Conference - Facing the Ice Issue: Science and Industry Advancing Together
ET-NDT Colloquium. Delft, Netherlands. May 2024.
Talk:Effect of chemical modification on icephobic and hydrophobic properties of polyurethane coatings.
A. Łabęda, R. Kozera, B. Przybyszewski, K. Ziętkowska, B. Sztorch, R. E. Przekop, A. Boczkowska
IFW winter school. Dresden (Germany), February 2023.
Poster presentation: Melting Ice With Acoustic Waves. K. Khodakarami.
Universidad de Barcelona. Departament de Química Inorgànica i Orgànica. Secció de Química Inorgànica. Facultat de Química. Master of Applied Chemistry in Material. Barcelona (Spain), 27th November 2022
Invited seminar: Functional applications of nanostructured surfaces developed by plasma and vacuum technologies: from energy harvesting to wetting.
Ana Isabel Borrás, et al.
Scientific workshop organized by CSIC network in Energy (PTI TransEner). Madrid (Spain). 1st March 2023
Oral presentation: Piezo and Triboelectric Nanogenerators by plasma and vacuum processing of multifunctional thin films and 3D nanoarchitectures. Juan Ramón Sánchez Valencia, et al.
LEMA group activities. Albarracín (Spain), 2nd September 2022.
German de la Fuente. Seminar.
Asociación de la Industria Navarra (AIN). Pamplona (Spain), 16th November 2022
Invited seminar: Advances in Laser Surface Processing. German de la Fuente.
Technology Innovation Institute (TII). Abu Dhabi (UAE), 23rd November 2022.
Invited Colloquium: Laser Surface Materials Processing. German de la Fuente.
ENS Science Day. Tampere, Finland. 1st December, 2022.
Poster contribution: Icing research group. Raul, Niklas and Betul (Tampere University)
PhD Talk CicCartuja. Seville (Spain). 29th April 2022
Development of anti-ice and omniphobic coatings as supported nanomaterials. Laura Montes, et al.
Tutorial talk, IIN retreat. Online.
Talk: Microacoustic Systems for Sensing and Actuation. A. Winkler.
World Materials Day. Faculty of Physics (University of Sevilla)
Invited seminar: Thin films and multifunctional nanostructures by vacuum and plasma techniques
M.C. López-Santos
VIII Conference on Research, Development, and Innovation and opening of the 2021/22 course of the Doctorate Program in Installations and Systems for Industry. Escuela Politécnica Superior (University of Sevilla)
Oral presentation: Nanotechnology through vacuum and plasma to combat the formation of ice on surfaces of industrial interest
M.C. López-Santos
Departament de Química Inorgànica i Orgànica. Secció de Química Inorgànica. Facultat de Química. Universidad de Barcelona. Master of Applied Chemistry in Materials
Invited seminar: Introduction to vacuum and plasma fabrication and applications of supported and functional nanomaterials
A. Borrás
European Innovation Council: EIC Pathfinder. Webinar by Junta de Andalucía (Spain)
Invited seminar: The point of view of the coordinator: project SOUNDofICE
A. Borrás
PhD, Masther and Bachelor Thesis
- Thermal Deicing of Aircraft Materials – Aluminum, Steel, and Thermally Sprayed Coating. Kaisa Kiuri, Tampere University (TAU). Tampere, Finland. Bachelor Thesis. Supervisor: Heli Koivuluoto
- Investigation of Thermal Stress in Multilayered Thin Films Using Experimental and Numerical Approaches. Y. Yang. Masters Thesis. Professur für Numerische und Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik, Fakultät Maschinenwesen, TU Dresden, 82S (November 2022).
- Comparison of Ice Adhesion Measured with Centrifugal and Pushing Tests. K. Khan. Master’s Thesis. Tampere University, Tampere, Finland.
- Development of Multifunctional Thermally Sprayed Coatings – Combined Function of Icephobicity and Piezoelectricity. E. Helmi. Master’s Thesis. Tampere University, Tampere, Finland.
- The effect of laser surface texturization on the hydro- and icephobic properties of transparent oxide coatings. : Julia Urbanska. Warsaw University of Technology. Supervisor: Bartlomiej Przybyszewski