
13th Follow Up

The institutions and companies of the Sound Of Ice project held the 13th Follow Up Meeting in May to take stock of the latest results obtained. During the meeting, the achievements achieved in the different work packages and the goals that we must achieve in the coming months were discussed.

4th Face to Face Meeting in Warsaw

Last February, TECPAR hosted us at the facilities of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering (Warsaw University of Technology) to celebrate the 4th Face to Face Meeting of the project.

11F Woman and girl in science

ICMSE (CSIC) goes to educational centers in Seville to spread science and promote scientific vocations among girls. The team will disseminate the Sound of Ice project to more than 500 students.

Sound of Ice lands at E-MRS

To organize the project’s scientific symposium, the Sound of Ice team co-organized “Materials technologies for controlling liquid-surface interactions from wetting to icing” at the E-MRS Spring Meeting 2024.

12th Follow Up Meeting

The members of the Sound of Ice project consortium held the 12th Follow Up online meeting on 18th of December. The concluding meeting of the year (…)

11th Follow Up Meeting

The Sound of Ice team held the 11th Follow-Up online meeting on 19th-20th of October to evaluate the work carried out during the summer and (…)

Seminar by Prof. Michael Baudoin

We continue the ‘Cycle of online seminars on anti-icing, de-icing and acoustic waves’, an outreach initiative framed within the dissemination and exploitation plan.

10th Follow Up Meeting

The members of the Sound of Ice project consortium held the last Follow-Up online meetng on 4th-5th of May before the second reporting period to the European Union that (…)

3rd Face to Face Meeting

The Sound of Ice project team met on March 2 and 3 to carry out the 3rd Face to Face Meeting at the Rail Tec Arsenal (RTA) facilities in Vienna.At the meeting, (…)

11F: I.D. of Women and Girls in Science

“What do scientists do?” is the activity organized by the Nanotechnology in Surfaces and Plasma group of the Institute of Material Sciences of Seville (ICMS) on the occasion of (….)

Submission Invitation: Polymers Special Issue

A member of the Sound of Ice team, Rafal Kozera (TECPAR) from the Warsaw University of Technology, has been appointed Guest Editor of the Special Issue (…)

ICMS Invited Lectures: Prof. Richard Fu

Professor Richard Fu (Northumbria University, UK) will be the next guest speaker in the ‘ICMS Invited Lectures’ series organized by the Institute of Materials (…)

9th Follow Up meeting

On 17 and 18 November, the 9th Follow Up of the sound of ice project was held online. During the meeting, the researchers analysed the results obtained (…)

2nd seminar with Francisco Redondo

We continue the ‘Cycle of online seminars on anti-icing, de-icing and acoustic waves’, an outreach initiative framed within the dissemination and exploitation plan of the Sound of Ice (…)

2nd Face to Face meeting in Tampere

The partners of the Sound of Ice project have met to hold the 2nd Face-to-Face meeting in Tampere (Finland) where the facilities of one of the members of the Consortium(…)

8th Follow Up meeting

On June 8 and 9, the 8th Follow Up Meeting was held online. The members of the consortium shared the latest progress and planned the next activities for the (…)

1st seminar with Mats Åbom

We start the ‘Cycle of online seminars on anti-icing, de-icing and acoustic waves’, an outreach initiative framed within the dissemination and exploitation plan (…)

1st Face to Face meeting in Dresden

For the first time, all the members of the consortium of the Sound of Ice project have met in Dresden (Germany) between April 6 and 7 to celebrate the (…)

Seminars on de-icing and anti-icing

Among the objectives of the Sound of Ice project is to disseminate the main achievements of the project and strengthen the ability to exploit the main results.

7th Follow up Meeting

Big success: “Project has fully achieved its objectives and milestones for the period.” The Sound Of Ice project team held the 7th Follow Up meeting last March (…)

SOUNDofICE in the media


07/2021Piece of news at El Español newspaper

06/2021Presentation of the SOUNDofICE project at INTA website

02/2021Interview with Ana Borrás (SOUNDofICE coordinator) at 7TV Andalucía


11/2020Presentation of the SOUNDofICE project at CicCartuja (ICMS – CSIC) website

11/2020Presentation of the SOUNDofICE project at EnerOcean website

11/2020 Presentation of the SOUNDofICE project at SAWLab Saxony (IFW) website

11/2020Presentation of the SOUNDofICE project at Technology Partners website

11/2020 Presentation of the SOUNDofICE project at Tampere University website

04/2020Presentation of the SOUNDofICE project at Biotech Spain website

04/2020Presentation of the SOUNDofICE project at CSIC Brussels Office website

04/2020Presentation of the SOUNDofICE project at CSIC website