

240th Electrochemical Society Meeting (ECS Meeting)
Invited talk: Supported Core@Multishell Nanowires and nanotubes as a Platform for Water Management and Energy Harvesting
L. Montes-Montañez, A. Ghaffarinejad, A. Borras, et al.

240th Electrochemical Society Meeting (ECS Meeting)
Poster: Hierarchical photocatalytic surfaces: From 1D to 3D photoactive TiO2 nanotubes grown by plasma-assisted deposition techniques.
L. Montes et al.

VEBLEO Webinar (virtual). Webinar on materials science, engineering and technology
Keynote lecture: Nanostructure and microstructure control via laser line scanning
G. F. de la Fuente

47th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (virtual conference). TS1 Anti- and De-Icing Surface Engineering
Oral presentation: Fluorination of aluminum surfaces as a general strategy to induce an effective anti-icing response
M.C. López-Santos et al.

47th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (virtual conference). TS1 Anti- and De-Icing Surface Engineering
Oral presentation: Icephobic coatings by thermal spraying as surface engineering technique
H. Koivuluoto et al.

2nd Virtual Congress on Materials Science & Engineering
Oral presentation: Laser Line Processing, Simulation and Experiments.
H. Santos et al. Materials Info 2021, 1, 84.

2nd Spanish Icing Platform Conference - Facing the Ice Issue: Science and Industry Advancing Together